H2P - PHP library to convert HTML files to PDF
H2P is a simple library to convert HTML files with images, JS and CSS into PDF files, using the awesome PhantomJS.
If you’re using composer (I strongly recommend that), just add “kriansa/h2p” into your require attribute, like so:
"name": "acme/blog",
"require": {
"kriansa/h2p": "dev-master"
Then, you must download the PhantomJS binary on its website. Extract and move the bin/phantomjs (or bin/phantomjs.exe, if you’re using Windows) to H2P/bin/. These bins are not shipped with the main package because they’re too big (about 40mb).
That’s all, it should work fine. Take a look at the sample code below:
use H2P\Converter;
use H2P\Adapter\PhantomJS;
use H2P\TempFile;
// Set the input content to convert
$input = new TempFile($htmlString);
$input = 'http://www.google.com/';
$input = '/path/to/file.html';
// Then do the conversion
$output = new TempFile();
$instance = new Converter(new PhantomJS(), $input, $output);
// Save it somewhere
// or output it
header('Pragma: public');
header('Expires: 0');
header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
header('Content-Type: application/pdf');
header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($output->getFileName()));
echo $output->getContent();
Note that the $input is defined multiple times. That’s just to show you how many URIs are accepted by the Converter.
Advanced usage
The Converter constructor accepts 6 params, see below:
Converter::__construct(AdapterAbstract $adapter, string|TempFile $uri, string|TempFile $destination, [string $format, [string $orientation, [string $border]]])
- AdapterAbstract $adapter
The adapter to convert the file. You can write your own adapter if you don’t like PhantomJS
- string|TempFile $uri
The input URI to be converted. The package includes a TempFile class which can be used here
- string|TempFile $destination
The output file. You can use the TempFile here too :)
- string $format
Converter::FORMAT_A4 - see below a list of page formats that you can use here.
- string $orientation
- string $border
A string, which can be ‘1cm’, ‘2in’, ‘20px’ or so.
In the file Converter.php, you can see a list of formats (page-sizes) available to convert to. When not specified, the default used is A4.
Format list (from Converter.php)
const FORMAT_A0 = 'A0';
const FORMAT_A1 = 'A1';
const FORMAT_A2 = 'A2';
const FORMAT_A3 = 'A3';
const FORMAT_A4 = 'A4';
const FORMAT_A5 = 'A5';
const FORMAT_A6 = 'A6';
const FORMAT_A7 = 'A7';
const FORMAT_A8 = 'A8';
const FORMAT_A9 = 'A9';
const FORMAT_B0 = 'B0';
const FORMAT_B1 = 'B1';
const FORMAT_B2 = 'B2';
const FORMAT_B3 = 'B3';
const FORMAT_B4 = 'B4';
const FORMAT_B5 = 'B5';
const FORMAT_B6 = 'B6';
const FORMAT_B7 = 'B7';
const FORMAT_B8 = 'B8';
const FORMAT_B9 = 'B9';
const FORMAT_B10 = 'B10';
const FORMAT_C5E = 'C5E';
const FORMAT_COMM10E = 'Comm10E';
const FORMAT_DLE = 'DLE';
const FORMAT_EXECUTIVE = 'Executive';
const FORMAT_FOLIO = 'Folio';
const FORMAT_LEDGER = 'Ledger';
const FORMAT_LEGAL = 'Legal';
const FORMAT_LETTER = 'Letter';
const FORMAT_TABLOID = 'Tabloid';
MIT License.